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You are here: Projects > ACRES > Contacts > Direct Customer
ACRES - Contacts - Direct Customer
Where a new Contact has been selected and the Contact Type 'Direct Consumer' has been selected, ACRES will display the following fields for completion.
Contact ID: Automatically Generated by ACRES. May be hidden.
Customer ID: May just use Contact ID. Generated by ACRES.
Title: Not Obligatory
Firstname: Obligatory. Initial accepted.
Lastname: Obligatory.
Sex: Not Obligatory. Will be used for sex sensitive marketing.
Email: Multiple values permitted. Select primary email for marketing. If opt out used on one email, ACRES can use alternate email addresses for marketing or if primary bounces.
Disabled: If the ACRES Customer wished to 'blacklist' or otherwise halt any new sales to any particular Direct Customer, they can enable this flag subject to the Users security level.
Disable Text: Brief text box to state why the Disabled flag has been enabled.
The basics are above and now ACRES will introduce a new concept to permit multiple Address Locations for Contacts. After the above fields have been complated, Users will be able to Add Locations. For each location, ACRES will prompt for the Location Type. Typically this will be 'Home' for Direct Customers. Storing addresses in this way will enable ACRES to hold home, work and/or PO Box details for a single customer rather than having such details as notes or creating multiple profiles for the same individual or party. For each Location, ACRES will offer the following for completion:
Location Type: Preset by ACRES for selection. Home / Work / PO Box. Where multiple Locations are defined for a Direct Client, ACRES will need to offer the option to select which Location to use when automated credit/debit card transactions are enabled.
Company Name: If Location Type is Work then ACRES will offer Comapny Name field for completion but will not be Obligatory.
Address 1: Free text. Usually used for street number and name.
Address 2: Free text. Usually used for suite or apartment number.
  Address 1/2 will be used unless an alternative solution is agreed.
City: Free text. Ideally ACRES would draw from the City Location Table. ACRES could flag Cities used in the Contacts database that are not in the City Location Table.
Region: Free text. Ideally ACRES would draw from the Region Location Table. ACRES could flag Cities used in the Contacts database that are not in the Region Location Table. This field would be used for entries such as British Shires, Canadian Provinces and US States.
Post Code: Free text. Postal or Zip Codes.
Country: Select from ACRES Country Location Table.
Telephone: Multiple values permitted with drop down to select whether home, cell, work, other. An example would be a home and cell number associated with the Home Location and a work number associated with a Work Location.
The following fields are used in the current MDB but may not be required in ACRES subject to discussion and agreement. ACRES may well be able to handle many of these by various reporting (screen and/or print).
Contact 1st: Date the Direct Customer 1st contacted the ACRES Customer. In the case of Calibre, this is the date a request form, email or telephone call was received. When the Internet is automated, the Conact 1st, How and Source will automatically be populated.
Contact How: Select from pre-determined list. These will be the Marketing, Departments or Trading Names of the ACRES Customer.
Contact Source: Select from pre-determined list. This is how the Direct Client 1st contacted the ACRES Customer. Email, Form, Telephone, 3rd Party, Affiliate, Customer.
Reference: Current quote reference for the Direct Customer.
Contact Last: The date that the Direct Customer was last marketed to.
Bkg Last: The date of the last booking that the client made.
Bkg Ref: The Booking Reference of the last booking that the client made.
The opt-out, bad mail and remove will be handled by a marketing module that will link the Contacts Table with the Travel Campaigner system.
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