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ACRES: Bugs Fixed
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Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase

Sale_ID 993 has a Sale Level Optional Extra with contact Refund for $45.00.
Contact 'Refund' was selected and the $45.00 paid out on Payment_ID 7044.

The Contact Name 'Refund' is NOT displayed in the result (see image).

Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase

Sale_ID 3206 has sales purchase contact Calibre Group. The booking has a product and optional extra.
There is a zero price on the product and an $85.00 amount for the optional extra.

When entering the Sales Purchase in ACRES the manual ref is input and the Contact is displayed.
When the Contact is selected a list of bookings to be paid is displayed BUT NOT the entry selected.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase - Sales Level Optional Extra
Example Sale_ID: 3940

The {contact_id} is flagged as Supplier Sales Purchase
The Sale Level Optional Extra is set to the same {contact_id}
Trying to make the Sales Purchase by {contact_id} does not work
The search by sae product id is redundant as users have no idea what this is.

It should be replaced by {sale_id} and all {contact_id} in the booking should be displayed for selection.
Trying to make the Sales Purchase by {contact_id} does not work
So trying to make a Sales Purchase for an optional extra for the required {contact_id} does not work.
ACRES > end time default
Change the default end time system wide from 11AM to 10AM.

Applies to:
Make Sale > Add Product
Calendar Updater
Sale Level Optional Extra
Product Level Optional Extraure MUST BE removed for this level of user.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Deposit Sales Receipts - new record clear date
When adding a new record, the clear date should be null by default as this will be completed once a bank statement is reconciled.

remove the clear dates for bank transaction id's 5 and 6.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Payments Ledger - Add Record
Add record shows an error message at the top where the amount being paid normally displays and at the bottom by the post button.

The error messages clear when an item is selectec for payment and the values are displayed.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Payment Ledger - Add record
Account {main} paying man ref 8382 which is also same ref in ACRES as records have been synced for 2013.

ACRES showing expense_id as 8385 which is probably the global id rather than local id.
{main} Expense Ledger shows correctly that the expense_id and manual_ref are both 8382.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Payments Ledger - Add Record - client search
When trying to pay 'American Society of Travel Agents', acres is not displaying the expense to pay by searching contact name, expense id, reference, manual ref. The contact and expense exist as shown below.
In payment mode the expense is not displaying by contact name search.
In payment mode the expense is not displaying by expense_id search.
The expense exists in acres.
The contact exists in acres.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Payment Ledger - display transactions
Display is split as SID822 is an optional extra only with no product.
Payment ID: 3707

When the sales purchase payment was made, the total to pay was US$50,171.72 but from the screen print below, you can see the transaction has been split.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Payment Ledger - clear date
Even though the record in 091218-00 was input with a blank clear date, once the record was posted the clear date has been updated with today's date. This field should stay null if no value was inserted on the post.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Payment Ledger - transaction duplicated
No fix applied. Duplication most likely the result of slow response time where server updated but not local pc so a second click on post was done.
Same as 091230-00

Payment ID 1034 is a duplicate of 1033. This was definately created by clicking the POST twice in quick succession.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Payment Ledger - transaction duplicated
See 091230-01
Payment ID 845 is a duplicate of 844. This should not be possible as once the expense id was paid and the outstanding balance calculated as zero, the expense id should not show to be paid any other amounts against.

If a user clicks on the POST button twice quickly, could this cause the duplication or is there an error in the payment code?

Check the time stamp for when both records were created.

If there is an error in the code to allow two full payments then the expense id should show when paying out the supplier as ive $41.70 as it has been paid twice but this is not the case so it points more to a POSTING error.

After investigating, remove duplicate payment id 845 from acres.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase - Add Record
Unable to pay out any Calibre Group, Inc. bookings. The example shows a 2010 booking but no bookings show to be paid. As there are so many transactions for this supplier, maybe the system is timing out for presenting the list on screen.

If the sales purchase supplier name is changed in the sale id for the purpose of testing, the booking will show up for payment. It has been rest to Calibre Group, Inc.

This is urgent and needs to be rectified asap.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase - Add Record
Where a booking does not have a product loaded but has an optional extra, the transaction due can be found by searching the client name rather than by sale id or manua reference.
When trying to pay out Sales Purchase for TTD Ref 100327-04, the booking does not come up 'Calibre group, Inc.'. There is no accommodation on this booking, just the pool heat fee.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase - Add Record
Sale_ID 591 (man ref 061107-01) has product loaded for contact_id 'Calibre Group, Inc.' but does not show in the listing of bookings for payments.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase - balance due calculation
When making a Sales Purchase payment in ACRES, the rule should be that only sales purchases with outstanding amounts NOT EQUAL to zero should be dispalyed for selection. In this example there are numerous records showing with zero amounts outstanding.

One possible reason could be if the Product level taxes are being stored as 2 decimal point values rather than a percentage value and only displaying 2 decimal places so something like 0.00014 is being shown as 0.00.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase - balance due calculation
In this example the Sales Purchase Provider was 'Majestic Villa Services'. When selected for making payments, bookings that show a zero balance are stillk showing on the list.
Bookings with a zero balance should not appear on the list.
Only booking with a balance NOT EQUAL to zero should be on the list.
Accounting > Bank Transactions > Payments > Sales Purchase - balance due calculation
Sale_ID 1936 originally had product booked for contact HVH Florida LLC and this product was cancelled and changed to Fiona Dunbar.

Fiona Dunbar has already been paid for the product but when you do a search to pay contact HVH, an amount is showing due to the contact which is incorrect.

If a product is removed from a sale, the removed product should be made zero or null.
Accounting > Reports > Sales > Margins - Margins Report (service date)
The margins report by service date for 01 Jan 2009 to 31 Dec 2009 is now showing SID 21 that should not be included.

A Product Level Optional Extra with a 2009 date (2nd image) which is why it shows in the report summary. A rule need to be set in acres that if there is one ore more Products in a SID then the earliest start date is the one to be used for the SERVICE DATE.
If there are any Product OR Sale level optional extras with a date earlier than the earliest Product start date they should be ignored.
Optional Extra dates only become the SERVICE DATE where no Product exists.

If Product dates and Optional Extra dates are used in SERVICE DATE reports there is a danger of double reporting items such as sales figures as in this instance, the booking values would appear in 2003 reports and also in 2009 reports. In this case the SID does not appear in 2003 reports but once the NEW RULE detailed has been applied the issue will no longer arise.
bug 121025-01
Product showing service dates as 2003.
bug 121025-01
Product Level Optional Extra showing 2009 dates. This has been left to help with bug fix but will be removed 30Nov2012.
bug 121025-01
Accounting > Reports > Sales > Margins - Margins Report (service date)

The margins report by service date for 2009 is not calculating correctly for most likely the same reason as 121002-00.

Sale ID missing are 119, 120, 1132, 1454, 1663

All have just a sale level optional extra (wire transfer fee) and no product. The service date should be the EARLIEST sale level optional extra date DDMMM2009.

Accounting > Reports > Sales > Margins - Margins Report (service date)

The margins report by service date for 01 Jan 2009 to 31 Dec 2009 does not include the last booking for 2009 (091231-01 Sale Id: 1981).

The code for the report should cover all dates up to and including the start and end date parameters so a report for

Report Start Date: 01 Jan 2009
Report End Date: 31 Dec 2009

should cover everything with a service date:
greater than or equal to the Reprot Start Date
less than or equal to the Report End Date

This way anything with a service date of 31 Dec 2009 will be included in the required report.

Accounting > Reports > Sales > Margins - Margins Report (service date)

The margins report by service date for July 2009 is not calculating correctly for most likely the same reason as 121002-00.

Sale ID 1566, 1567, 1579, 1598 all had products booked and money taken and both cancelled so there is now just a sale level optional extra (cancellation/refund) and no product. The service date should be the sale level optional extra date Jul 10, 2009.

Accounting > Reports > Sales > Margins - Margins Report (service date)

The margins report by service date for June 2009 acres is showing a margin for bookings at $6875.78 when the actual figure is $7275.78 from mdb. The difference of $400.00 is from booking 090613-02/Sale ID1526.

This booking has no product, just a sale level optional extra for $400.00.

The booking is not showing on the reports.

As there is no product to use the check-in date as the service date, the service date needs to be derived from the date set in the sale level option extra which is Jun 13, 2009.

Operations > Contacts - save record contact how and source  
New Client. New contact how and contact source are selected. When the record is saved, the input fields are wiped clean and you have to edit the record and re-insert the required data.  
Operations > Contacts: contact display

Entries made by completing forms on are not showing in @cres.

Message received by email:
<html><body>You have a new request for information. (ID=255)<a href= target='_blank'>Click here to view details</a><BR>It was submitted on Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 at 07:57 AM.<br><br>
<br>The same email address (1) exists for:<b> , 1 <b><br>

Shows the email record already exists but cannot locate email as unable to search by email (this function previously requested).

{email} show email with {contact_id} 11727
{contact_id} 11727 shows the record that is not being displayed on GUI as {account_id} is NULL.

The {account_id} cannot be NULL and must be populated on record save/submit.

{contact_id} 11727 was manually updated to {account_id} '1' and then shows in GUI.

Sales > Sale: Property Search/Book - checkout date validation
When making reservations or updating calendars, the system allows you to input a checkout date which is prior to the check-in date. This should not be permitted.

This was found using a check-in date of 10/25 and a checkout date as 9/11 (instead of Nov 09). The calendar just showed 25 Oct as a yellow date and nothing either side of 25 Oct.
Sales > Sale: Customer
In this example, the booking already existed and a customer had been added (Mrs A Chang) with no details in the contact database.

The customer then completed a Guest Registration Form so their details were loaded into acres contact as a Client.

The customer was then deleted and I tried to add them from a client search but the name would not display. From the screen layout, you can see a Mrs A Chang that wasn't even in the Contacts db but not Andrea Chang that had been added.
Sales > Sale: Customer
When making a sale and searching for an existing customer, the screen css does not flow.
Sales > Sale: optional extra display
This sale id is 1771.
When making the sale and inputting the sale purchase taxes by value, acres shows multiple decimal places even though I only input 2 decimal places.
Once you move onto the next screen thing seems to go back to normal so it seems to be just this input screen.
Can you re-create this bug on your local version.
Also, the Purchase Suppliers are still not displaying in the drop down.
Sales > Sale: optional extra pricing
When you edit the record, the sale product level is showing 3 decimal places when it should just be calculated as 2 decimal places. Once you go past the edit screen the figures do work out correctly but it is confusing.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - contact id display
Client address not displaying.

The address title from contacts db is not being printed on the booking advice documentations.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - sale id 1684
Contact must be flagged as a Client and not a Prospect.
Client address not displaying.

Money received US$4,000.00 not displaying. See sale_receipt_id 13.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - contact id display
In this example, the contact address was completed after the sale was created. When you go back into the sale id, the address is shown in step 'A' but does not display on the booking advice.

The second part of this bug is that the contact email should be driven from the employee db if there is an email for the employee. Otherwise, the prefered email from the main contact is should be displayed. In this case, the employee has an email but there is no generic email for the contact so the employee email should display.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - balance due calculation sale id 2057
There are two sale receipts for this booking that pay off the balance but acres is showing the balance as -0.00 and that the account is in credit. The calculated balance should be 0.00 and the caption should read pail in full.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - deposit received
Sale ID 1914 has logged 2 amounts of $250.00 receipts but the deposit received is showing as blank.
The received amounts should be listed in date order. As the payment type is a credit card the text should read 'received on card ending' with the last 4 digits of the card number. The authorization code, AVV and CVV codes come from the receipt input screen.

The Credit Reference 'CR' can only be displayed once the receipt has been added as a bank deposit in bank transactions.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - due date
Client is set to pre-pay 30 days.
Booking made within 30 days of arrival.
Due date should be equal to currnet date (25 Jan 2012)

If the due date is a past date then due date field on documenation should show 'overdue'.

If the due date is a past date but the booking was made today then the due date should show current date.

If the due date is a future date then show future date.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - due date
Reported previously: 091006-00, 100406-00.

Sale ID: 2430 was made 07 Sep 2010 for arrival 07 Sep 2010 (same day) by an agent with pre paid days set to 30. The due date is showing as 08 Aug 2010 which has already passed. As previously advised, if the due date calculated is prior to the current date then the current date needs to be set as the due date otherwise the due date is a prior date to the date the booking is actually made.

If there is no change to the date of the products on a booking then this date will not change. The date should be stored as the due date and used to calculate due and overdue payments.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - due date
This issue has already been reported previously. The Due Date needs to be stored in ACRES and should not changed once the calculated due date has passed.

For Sale ID: 2063 the Due Date is set at 14 days prior to arrival so should be 28 mar 2010. As no payment has been received to date, when the booking is reviewed, the Due Date is showing as today's date which is incorrect. The Due Date should remain as that originally calculated and would only chnage if the product dates changed on the booking. If this is not fixed, reports on overdue payments will not work correctly.
Sales > Make Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - due date
Sales > Make Sale > Documentation - booking advice
Example sale_id: 1939

Re: Balance due date.

If the total value of a booking is not zero, which means there are items on the booking and it is not just a cancelled or void booking, then the text that displays in the 'Balance Due Date' should be as follows:
Balance Due Balance Due Date Text
positive original calculated due date *
zero paid in full
negative in credit
* The balance due date needs to be added to the db fields if not already done.

This date will not change unless dates of products on the booking change. If a booking has accommodation arriving March 1st and the agent has to prepay 28 days prior to arrival then the due date will be Feb 1st. On Feb 2nd, the due date does not change to Feb 2nd, it must remain as Feb 1st.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - Due Date / Client - sale id 1759
The Contact has Pre Payment days set to 30. When you edit Sale ID 1759 and get to the due date, the date is showing as 60 days prior which is the system default if no pre payment has been set at the Contact level.

The due date need to be 30 days prior to first service in this case and not 60 days prior.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - note (footer)
Need more space between the balance due date and the terms boxes to allow for more lines of printed footer notes. Try for at least 6-10 extra lines until Booking Advice is made more dynamic.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - notes (product level)
When there are product level notes, they overlap with the Access Codes when using style 2. This has happenened as address title (Marbella South) has been used in the property address so everything below has been bumped down 1 line.
This is what it looks like when I remove the product level notes
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - notes (product level)
In this example, the product notes have been added in the booking process but they are not displayed on the booking pdf.

The specific product notes should display under the product area and before the itemised pricing.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - optional extra display
In this example, there is no accommodation booked as it is a homeowner booking. The guest added pool heat so this is shown as a sale level optional extra in the booking.

When adding the payment, the value of the option extra is not shown in the 'Total Booking' value.
On the booking advise, the money received is not showing on the pdf.
Sales > Sale: Documentation - Booking Advice - optional extra display
Sale ID 1928 has a Sale Level Option Extra discount of US$-495.56 that is not showing on the booking advice.

The discount is also not being reflected in the total amount calculation.
Sales > Sale: Property Search/Book - save record late checkout calculation
If a booking or make sale has a late checkout then the day is blocked and the calendar shows the next booking cannot arrive until the following day, usually by 4pm on the following day.

In this example, there is an existing booking 01 March 2010 to 07 Apr 2010 with a late checkout.
This blocks out any new arrivals on the 7th.

When a new booking is input to arrive 08 Apr 2010 acres is not allowing the new booking to go in when it should. We have to cancel the late checkout on the existing booking in order to put in the new booking then go back and put the late checkout on the existing booking.
Sales > Sale: search function
With the 'Whole words only' checkbox checked ACRES displays matching bookings. In this case Sale ID 767.
After editing the record and returning to the initial screen the checkbox is no longer checked so multiple matches are displayed.

When returning to the initial screen the original search criteria should be retained:
Input box
Dropdown selction
Checkbox value
Sales > Sale Receipt - record display
Sale-id 2067 does not have products but does have an optional extra at sale level. Regardless of whether a sale has products or not, the sale_id should always be shown in the sale receipt section if entries have been made for the sale_id.
Sales > Sale Receipt - record display
Select Sale Receipt and then select apply filter with a blank input to disply the first page of sale receipts. You see the display up to ref 20. If you click 'next' you get a blank page and then 'prev' and also get a blank page.

Now in '21' into the filter field and you will see there is an entry ref 21.
Sales > Sales Receipt > Add Record - receipt amount validation
The check amount from the customer is $1,753.68.
$1,075.55 is to be allocated to Sale ID 657.
$678.13 is to be allocated to Saled ID 658.

When trying to post the transaction ACRES error mesage appears.
Sales > Sales Receipt > Add Record - record display
When trying to add a new record for clients with a large number of bookings ACRES seems to time out in the search for bookings with monies due in but there is no indication on the screen.

Needs to be an indicator that either no transaction found or search timed out but ideally the search should not time out at all.
bug 121025-01
Sales > Sale Receipt > Add Record - record display
For Client 'hotelbeds*" there are a number of bookings. The displayed list only shows a certain number of records of which many are zero balances. Manual Ref 091022-01, 091022-02 were also settled on the same check but as the bookings do not show on the report, the deposit cannot be loaded into acres.
The sort order appears to be in Sale ID order. Would make more sense to be in service date order, in this case by Check-in date.

The list does not need to show zero balances as these bookings have already been settled or have been cancelled. Make the list scrollable and do not show bookings with zero balances.

As mentioned previously, there may be a case for making a +ve/-ve payment against a zero balance booking but we can deal with that when the scenario arises. When the deposit balance does not equal the calculated balance a warning screen pops up. We can use this also to prompt users to add sales id's manually with the [+] function. When the deposit balance and calculated balance are equal, the window can then display the POST button.
System > Base Data > Manage Accounts - Account Name duplication
ACRES validates on all fields apart from the property picture path that the values cannot be null.

As all the fields apart from the account name are the same currently just populate those fields by default for the time being?

However, when an account already existing you can edit the account name to one that already exists and the account name is then duplicated so the same validation on Account Name needs to hapen during the edit process as it does with the Add Record process.
System > User Group - Calendar Updater profile - book transaction display
Selecting Property Search Book displays ALL records.

Only the records created by the user profile should be displayed. Default display should be check-in date descending so the latest arrival date is the first record.

This is the rule for a Calendar Updater where typically one homeowner will be maintaining their own bookings.
Another rule will need to be defined for a Management Company with many homes where the Management Company will maintain calendars and their bookings and would be permitted to update calendars for their homeowners. Effectively the homeowner could be classed as the child of a parent thus defining the rule authority.

Where a Client type 'Property Manager' has been defined with one or more properties the user can update calendars that the Client ID has created.

Where a Client ID has been defined as a 'Property Owner' with one or more properties the user can update calendars that the Client ID has created.

In addition, where the same Property ID exists under a Property Owner and a Property Manager, the Property Manager would also be permitted to update calendars created by the Property Owner (Parent/Child relationship?).

ACRES should automatically send an email to a Property Owner detailing any changes made by a Property Manager to calendar transactions created by the Property Owner. This could also be done by a text only message system within ACRES.

A rule needs to be defined where a Property Owner can only have ONE Property Manager whereas a Property Manager can have MANY Property Owners.
System > User Group - Calendar Updater profile: Properties
Selecting Properties for a Calendar Updater shows the 'Add Record' function.

This function should not be available to this user group.
Selecting a property view mode shows the Add Edit and Delete functions.

These functions should not be available to this user group.
User Group - Calendar Updater profile: Property Search/Book - Add Record
When POSTING a new record, for an available date range, ACRES throws up an error message for a date conflict.
User Group - Calendar Updater profile: Property Search/Book - Add Record
When adding a record the system code should automatically be populated with the System Code when there is only ONE property belonging to the user account.

Only the records created by the user profile should be displayed. Default display should be check-in date descending so the latest arrival date is the first record. As these are homeowners, it would be useful to display the system code / address:
ORLGR4H081 / 16720 Glenbrook Blvd

For Management Companies with many homes ACRES should offer a dropdown menu showing system code/address for user to select.
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