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ACRES - Contacts - Agent
Where a new Contact has been selected and the Contact Type Agent' has been selected, ACRES will display the following fields for completion.
Contact ID: Automatically Generated by ACRES. May be hidden.
Agent ID: Obligatory. Will be a manually or suggestion field to start with but eventually ACRES should generate the Agent ID. Calibre cuurrently uses a system where the 1st two characters are the Country Code for the primary location, then the first four characters of the Comapny Name (excluding 'The') and finishing with a four number sequence. For example, Calibre Group, Inc. would be USCALI0000. May only be allocated after Agent Name and primary location have been completed and the record saved.
Agent Name: Obligatory. Name of the Business Client, Travel Agency, Tour Operator or Affiliate.
Agent Licence: By selecting 'New Licence' Users will be able to add a Licence Type (Licence Types will need to be defined at SYSTEM/PRIVATE level for selection) and a Licence number associated with the Licence Type. For example, a UK Agent may have an ABTA Licence, an ATOL Licence and an IATA number. Agents can keep adding New Licences as required.
Commission: If the Agent is being given Commission then the percentage entry here will be set at 1 decimal place (eg 12.5). In future phases, it may be necessary to enable variable commission for different products. If 'null' or zero then no commission is allocated. Negative value could be used to mark-up. Not required yet but something to bear in mind.
Payment Terms: Drop down Prepayment or Credit. Prepayment will be the default.
Payment Days: If Payment Terms are Prepayment then this is the number of days prior to first departure (flights), check-in (accommodation) or pick-up (Car Hire) that the Agent must pay the ACRES Customer. This entry will determin the due date for Sales.
If Payment Terms are Credit then this is the number of days after first departure (flights), check-in (accommodation) or pick-up (Car Hire) that the Agent must pay the ACRES Customer. This entry will determin the due date for Sales.
Current Balance: Once fully automated, ACRES will display the current balance the Agent has with the ACRES Customer. Right click to re-calculate, ACRES will check all bookings with Agent ID for balances. Should not be editable.
Disabled: If the ACRES Customer wished to 'blacklist' or otherwise halt any new sales to any particular Agent, they can enable this flag subject to the Users security level.
Disable Text: Brief text box to state why the Disabled flag has been enabled.
The basics are above and now ACRES will introduce a new concept to permit multiple Address Locations for Contacts. After the above fields have been complated, Users will be able to Add Locations. For each location, ACRES will prompt for the Location Type. Typically this will be 'Home' for Direct Customers. Storing addresses in this way will enable ACRES to hold home, work and/or PO Box details for a single customer rather than having such details as notes or creating multiple profiles for the same individual or party. For each Location, ACRES will offer the following for completion:
Location Type: Where multiple Locations are defined for an Agent, ACRES will need to offer the option to select which Location to use. Default will be 'Office' and Users need the ability to edit this. If an Agent has offices in London, Milan and New York then they would be able to define the Location Type and input location details for each type.
Address 1: Free text. Usually used for street number and name.
Address 2: Free text. Usually used for suite or apartment number.
  Address 1/2 will be used unless an alternative solution is agreed.
City: Free text. Ideally ACRES would draw from the City Location Table. ACRES could flag Cities used in the Contacts database that are not in the City Location Table.
Region: Free text. Ideally ACRES would draw from the Region Location Table. ACRES could flag Cities used in the Contacts database that are not in the Region Location Table. This field would be used for entries such as British Shires, Canadian Provinces and US States.
Post Code: Free text. Postal or Zip Codes.
Country: Select from ACRES Country Location Table.
Telephone: Not Obligatory. The main telephone number for the Agent.
Facsimile: Not Obligatory. The main facsimile number for the Agent.
Email: Not Obligatory. The main email address for the Agent.
Within each Location Type, ACRES Users will now be able to add multiple personel records associated with each location type defined. By selecting 'New Personnel' the following fields may be completed. Users can continue adding
Department: Not Obligatory. Free text. Enables users to keep track of Accounts, Admin and Sales contacts within any one location.
Firstname: Obligatory.
Lastname: Obligatory.
Telephone: Not Obligatory. The telephone number for the Agent Personnel.
Facsimile: Not Obligatory. The facsimile number for the Agent Personnel.
Email: Not Obligatory. The email address for the Agent Personnel.
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